MycoSupplies’ XXL Starter Kit

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  • 3 liter Simple Mix substrate bag
  • 2 liter Sterilized corn grain bag
  • Liquid culture syringe of choice


The Simple Mix substrate bag contains 3 liter of perfect simple blend of coir and vermiculite – all meticulously hydrated and sterilized to perfection. With this hassle-free substrate, you can skip the laborious preparation and dive straight into cultivating your favourite mushrooms.

Our 2 liter sterilized corn grain is sealed in Unicorn bags with a T filter in each bag, which boasts an impressive filtration capacity of 0.2 microns.

The 10ml liquid culture syringe of choice includes an alcohol wipe and is ready to be used for inoculating the 2 liter corn grain bag.


Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Liquid Culture

B+, Leucistic JMF, Albino Tex PE6, True Albino Teacher, Blue Magnolia, MAK95, Ecuador, Golden Teacher, PE7, Hillbilly Pumpkin, Mexican, Jack Frost