All In One Growbag 2000cc

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SKU: 64162621


All-in-One Grow Bag – Simple & Efficient Growing Solution

Our All-in-One Grow Bag is designed for easy, hassle-free cultivation. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Choose Your Culture
    Select a high-quality liquid culture (liquid cultures are highly recommended). Browse our liquid culture collection for premium options.
  2. Inject and Grow
    Inject 5-10ml of liquid culture into the grow bag.
  3. Colonization Phase
    Allow the bag to fully colonize, which typically takes around 3 weeks. Once the substrate is fully colonized, it’s time to prepare for fruiting.
  4. Air Exchange
    For optimal fruiting, create an airflow by making a small hole just below the filter after full colonization. This allows for proper air exchange.
  5. Fruiting Conditions
    Ensure the bag is fully inflated and placed in an area with indirect light. Maintain a stable temperature range of 20-24°C for the best results.

Start growing with ease using our All-in-One Grow Bag! Perfect for both beginners and experienced cultivators.